
DeskWeb consultancy Top 2000 DataBase

2002: 31
2001: 22 +29.0%

Aantal nummers van deze artiest in de lijst
Aantal noteringen per jaargang van de lijst
Vermeldingen door de jaren heen
Jaar Rang Artiest Titel Status Vorige
2020 1885 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gestegen 1916
2019 1916 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gestegen 1935
2018 1935 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gezakt 1552
2017 1552 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gezakt 1549
2016 1549 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gezakt 1451
2015 1451 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gezakt 1325
2014 1325 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gezakt 1181
2013 1181 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gezakt 1065
2012 1065 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gezakt 903
2011 903 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gezakt 772
2010 772 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gezakt 704
2009 704 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gezakt 498
2008 498 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gestegen 632
2007 632 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gezakt 450
2006 450 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gestegen 527
2005 527 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gestegen 548
2004 548 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gezakt 395
2003 395 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gezakt 390
2002 390 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gestegen 473
2001 473 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gestegen 480
2000 480 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Gezakt 414
1999 414 The Rolling Stones It's All Over Now Nieuw